August Primaries: We Pushed Through With 66% of Votes!

The Primaries have just concluded and I first wanted to give a big thank you to all the constituents that came out and used your voice in this election. You were heard and thanks to all of you we received 66% of the total votes. The 21st LD is not easily swayed by the opposition, especially when it comes to making the right decisions. Even with their strong efforts, we have pushed through. Everything helps during these times. Every time someone donated to our campaign; helped us doorbell; took one of our signs or forwarded our website to a friend, it moved our agenda along. 

As Chair of the Democratic Caucus this past session, I know that I along with my seat mates are more than willing to put in the long hours, gain understanding from differing perspectives, and fight for the values being threatened every day. Your voice was heard, and it is our duty to have it echoed in Olympia. We haven’t backed down from any fight, even the smallest victory is progress towards the future we envision. And we couldn’t have done it without all the lovely people of the 21st.

Thank you for all your encouragement and continued support. We are not at the end of the road yet. We’ve done great work, but we have to get to the finish line. With your support we can get there. Our opponents will continue to spread there message, we must do the same. I will continue to need your help so that we can persist in fighting for the values that matter so much to all of us. Together we will keep the 21st Blue!

Thank you,

Lillian Ortiz-Self


The Times recommends: Lillian Ortiz-Self for House District 21, position 2!